JoeAnt Topic Guide

Monday, November 29, 2004

Regional Field

Every time a site is listed in the JoeAnt Directory the editor/submitter is asked for this information:

  • URL
  • Title
  • Description
  • Rating
  • Icons
  • Region

The Regional field is for the physical location of the business. Consider, for example, three hardware stores in Tucson, Arizona:

  • Business A - brick and mortar business with no e-commerce.
  • Business B - brick and mortar business offering e-commerce.
  • Business C - online only

All are in Tucson, Arizona so the Regional field for all should read: Tuscon Arizona United States (no commas). The differences come in the placement of the listing, the description, and the icons.

Business A should be placed in the Tucson, Arizona Shopping topic.

Business B could be placed under the Tucson Shopping topic or under the Tools topic in the Shopping category. The e-commerce icon should be marked. Because there is also a physical location for customers to go to, this information can be included in the description.

"Located in Tucson, AZ." or "Provides directions to Tucson, AZ store locations."

Business C should be placed in the Tools topic. The e-commerce icon should be marked but there is no need to mention the location in the description.

3:32 PM

Monday, November 22, 2004

Sites That Sell

While you can find eCommerce and business sites throughout JoeAnt, most of the sites that offer products or services for sale belong in one of three main topics: Business, Shopping, or Independent Business Affiliates.

One of the functions of the Business topic is to contain sites that offer products and services to other businesses. It has subtopics for sites by Industry where businesses and consumers may find information about companies and their products (Manufacturers). Subtopics with sites that sell something include: wholesale items, commodities, B2B markets, and Human Resources services.

Sites that offer information for retail customers belong in the Shopping topic. Usually these sites will be ones that offer merchandise for sale online (the block for the Shopping feature will be marked). When the Shopping feature is not marked, the business may either only sell through its physical location or conducts transactions by email, mail, or phone.

The Independent Business Affiliate section is for resellers or sites that provide leads to other companies. Consumers can often find price comparisons and coupons or other discounts here.

All Gambling sites and Dating/Personals sites are listed in the Affiliate topic regardless of whether they are affiliates or an original content source.

Tip: If you aren't sure where your site should be listed, do a keyword search from the JoeAnt index page. Look through the search results for a site that offers similar products, services, or information and click on the "Related" link next to the listing. This will take you to the topic in which that site is listed.

3:50 PM

Friday, November 19, 2004

Main Topics

The JoeAnt Directory has sixteen main topics:
Arts & Humanities
Home & Garden
Health & Fitness
News & Politics
People & Society
Real Estate
Recreation & Sports
Science & Technology

Sites may be added to these topics by editors or through Speed Pass. Affiliate, MLM, and similar sites where the content offered is not unique and/or sites which act as a reseller of merchandise may not be listed in the general directory. These sites may be submitted for Speed Pass review to the Independent Business Affiliate section of the directory.

Topics in the Independent Business Affiliate section are:

8:24 AM